Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Well, an opportune moment if you have created your blog at the stroke of 1-1-11(well not exactly).
 But it does give you a sense of moving a step forward. Before i move on to post anything else, here are my 11 resolutions for 2011:

1. Reduce my weight further.
2. Read more novels.
3. Frequently update this blog.
4. Learn Cooking( This is in contrary to 1)
5. Hike up a mountain.
6. Learn to ride a Royal Enfield properly.
7. Think properly about my future.
8. Follow 1 properly.
9. Make sure 4 is accomplished.
10. Attend college properly( This should be of top priority).
11. One for keepsakes' though.

So cya all in 2011. Hope you enjoy reading my blogs.
Bye & happy new year.

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